Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Widow.

I recently undertook the first fine art project for the foundation diploma i'm doing...
it was based on War.
it slowly developed into the idea of capturing those who were left behind and their memories of their loved ones..
I found this amazing photographer called Jennifer Karady who has done some work with those american soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan and the problems they are facing at home.
I found this story from a widow, and I really wanted to produce my own images around this story, like Karady had done...
heres the story-

“I don’t really remember much about the day I found out about his death. I remember thinking “oh God how am I going to tell the girls?” but other than that I think I was just numb. A number of the lady’s from the church came over and came and spoke to me, they kept trying to tell me over and over again, that he died for a good reason, and that I should be blessed to have had such a wonderful husband. “Blessed?” I kept thinking. How on earth am I blessed? But anyway, life had to go on, for the girl’s sake at least. He died over 2 years ago now out in Iraq.
It’s weird though; I guess I didn’t really deal with it as well as I should have. I keep having this dream, every now and again, that it’s our wedding day. The dream starts with me just running around trying to find him, like he got lost in the park or something silly. I’m running around looking, slowly getting more and more worried that I haven’t found him yet. As I’m running around I keep hearing his voice, calling me; I know it sounds like one of those cheesy movies, doesn’t it? But anyway, I’m running around trying to follow the sound of his voice. I end up by this tree, and Its blowing madly in the wind and I cant see anything because I’m so disorientated- and as I see theses leaves being ripped from their branches by the wind it dawns on me that he’s dead. And that’s when the dream ends.
Its weird that nature features so much in it- we’re really not nature people, despite the fact that both our girls are scouts. But to be honest with you- I kind of like the dream, it reminds me of him. Is that weird?”
here are some of the images I ended up taking...

I really love this image, the static nature of the model juxtaposes the frantic nature of the story and how running around trying to find her husband would be. The dress however feels very ghost-like and captures a wonderful atmosphere....
 this one is stunning for me, the dress and hair distorting her face, everything...
Her hair, her face, everything... i just love it!

Editing photos for me is something that is really important.. although I can take images without the need for editing some images i feel need the extra umph i guess... 

These two images were some of my first interpretations. However my tutors didnt think that they worked as well to fit with the story- I disagreed, however If I want the marks, well yeah you know....

So I created some more that were slightly more haunting....

I love how in these ones there is two different images, the frantic and the static, the solid, and the faded... 

I'll find out how i did on these tomorrow....


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